Sunday, April 1, 2018

Collection Development - Titlewise

My fellow Librarians...
The following, if you choose to accept it, is information that addresses your collection development. If you are already in a Media Center, I am here to tell you that there are many options on the table. The tools that are available to you are here for you to make your life easier. Also, if you are like me and work in a system that does not provide aides or subs, the process to develop a collection only becomes more difficult. One tool that is available to you is the Follett tool Titlewave. This year was my first time really using the tool to evaluate my collection, and I will say that I was impressed. To get started for collection analysis, you can work to upload your circulation and records to their system. That process is long and difficult, yet very productive.
Perks include:
Collection Analysis
Series Completion tool: This is a great tool that allows you as a librarian to complete a series that you may have gaps in your collection. This has been great when I am looking to complete my graphic novel collections, and other fiction series.
Capability to search using tags: There are many tags that are provided for searching. When conducting a search, it is possible to further a search using the provided search tags.
Customer Service: Their customer service is great and is very good at answering questions if you call in.
Please take out the time to check out the tools for tittlewave and Follett. It is highly recommended.

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